
Title: Supernatural (TV Series)
Seasons: 15
Episodes: 327
Genre: Horror,  Supernatural Drama, Comedy, Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery

Watch it on Prime Video, Youtube

I have decided to rewatch this well loved series to hype myself up on the upcoming prequel series, The Winchesters. I’ll try to make this as short as possible because I have a huge feeling you’re quite familiar with Sam and Dean since these brothers have been hugely popular. during the mid 2000’s. I also stopped watching this mid season 7 so I’m going to update this review once I finish the whole series.

Supernatural is an American dark fantasy television series created by Eric Kripke (The Boys director). The story is centered around two brothers Dean Winchester (Jared Padalecki) and Sam Winchester (Jared Padalecki). Now both of them call themselves hunters. But they hunt the paranormal. It’s a different monster of the day for each episode but there is of course a main storyline.

They grew up becoming hunters since their father was one as well. We also find out on the first episode that their mom died under very mysterious fiery circumstances. Their father is on the hunt to avenge the creature that killed their mother while both brothers follow his footsteps.

Now for the drama part. Dean and Sam are quite the character. They have very polar personalities but because of that they get along pretty well and work together by combining both brawn and wit. There’s some humour in the mix and of course every episode is action packed since well, they’re battling monsters every single time. There’s ghosts, demons, possessions, angels and among other things.