
Title: Goosebumps (TV Series)
Seasons: 4
Episodes: 42
Genre: Horror, Anthology, Supernatural, Science Fiction, Science Fantasy, Fantasy Comedy, Drama

Watch it on Netflix, Youtube

Reader beware you're in for a scare...

I’m watching this show from the perspective of a Goosebumps fan since childhood and a 30’s something year old woman. The books were especially my favorite and the series which aired every Sunday morning as a kid was something I look forward to.

I never put any high expectations from the very first episode seeing as this is a 90’s kids show and digital effects wasn’t used that much. I started to bingewatch on this a sort of background music while I got to work on the laptop. I know I could watch something else better but hey, I wanted to revisit childhood memories and see how funny it was now that my tastes have drastically changed.

90’s Kids Nostalgia

The story per episode in itself has always been quick witted and directed at kids. The protagonists have always been pre pubescent with silly decisions but in the end there’s always a twist with them turning into semi-antagonists. They turn out to be monsters themselves or learn to live with one just like that of the monster sponge called a Grool from It Came From Beneath the Sink! Overall they’re likeable enough to keep on watching. Just don’t expect the acting to be really dramatic. There were some parts that made me cringe but hey I just had to keep reminding myself that its a 90’s kids horror show.


It’s not really that scary. Not sure how some people thought that it was traumatic for some considering there were so many horrifying gory films in the 90’s unfiltered. I wonder how R.L. Stine is doing now? His books have been a hit that its become a huge franchise! Did you watch the movie versions? Slappy has always been a classic. I’m still watching it but so far I liked the twisted ending on The Girl Who Cried Monster.

Overall, it’s a nice 90’s series. Quite nostalgic at the most. I can’t wait for the reboot!