Title: God of War: Ragnarok (Video Game)
Release: November 2022
Genre: Adventure, Role-playing

Play it on PS5, PS4

All I can say is that it is a masterpiece in its every right. It’s the usual hack-and-slash with the chaos blade, axe and spear but God of War is more than that because it wins with the storytelling and the graphics are superb as always. Don’t take my word for it since I’ve always been a fan of the franchise and I just want to talk about how epic this game was to play through.


The graphics is superb! If you’re prone to motion sickness though you can change the settings but once you start the game there is no way in Helheim you’re going to stop. Upon writing this review I just finished the main storyline but there is still so much to do. I’m not sure how long this will take me to complete but I am determined to go for even 99%. There are so much things to do from the side quests like puzzles, hack and slashing enemies, and even retrieving mysterious orbs for a special mutt. Oh, how I love the amount of dog love here.

The whole game was all about the cutscenes that it felt like I was watching the most interactive movie.


The character development is quite complex for such a short span of time. The whole story was exhilarating, fascinating, heartbreaking, and bittersweet, oh gosh it made me feel so many feelings while playing. It’s actually centred around a father-son relationship. You’d expect it to be all about revenge like the previous franchise but this one is all about becoming a better person and being yourself which was adorable. You get to experience the various perspectives of being an adult and a growing young boy. So much was put into this, I applaud Santa Monica which is a job excellently done.


With its visually stunning graphics and emotionally charged storyline.  Kratos took 20 years to make and as he ages, so does the depth of the story. This time he’s a father wisened by age and experience and yet still powerful with his OP weapons. I don’t want this story to end and I hope I see more of Atreus and their adventures. I don’t want to spoil but dang is it getting really hard to not spill the beans at the end. Santa Monica I am still and will always be a fan of this franchise.