288 pages
Title: Everything is F*cked
Author: Mark Manson
Genre: Self-Help
Published: May 14, 2019
ISBN: 0062955934
Available in Hardcover, Softcover, Audiobook and Ebooks
So, instead of looking for hope, try this: Don't hope. Don't despair, either. In fact, don't deign to believe you know anything. It's that assumption of knowing with such blind, fervent, emotional certainty that gets us into these kinds of pickles in the first place. Don't hope for better. Just be better. Be something better. Be more compassionate, more resilient, more humble, more disciplined. Be a better human.
Mark Manson
Disclaimer: As of this date I have not yet read his first book so I am reading this book with a fresh pair of eyes and no bias. Talk about my first book review in this site.
This book you might say may sound like a compilation of editorial posts per chapter. Basing from the title itself it pretty much sums up life through the eyes of a nihilist. The irony of seeing optimism through insightful ramblings apathy. It’s best to read this in a state of profound…blah.
I learned some good noggin nuggets about emotions, feelings, philosophies and a couple of cliches. Some would say this book contains so many ramblings which I agree to that but if you sift through them, the ideas are there. Mark’s writing is straightforward and quite easy to comprehend. It’s not a surprise a lot of people went their way to read this, aside from the eye-catching title.
Mark Manson discusses different topics ranging from history like what happened with the burning monk Thích Quảng Đứ and even Newton’s Laws. His analogies are very easy to understand and follow.
You either love or hate this book. There is nothing in between.
Pain is the Universal Constant.
Mark Manson